Montessori Programs

At Casa dei Bambini Montessori of Mayfair, we offer a wide variety of Montessori programs for your child. We offer preschool, kindergarten, early learning programs, and summer programs. All of these programs focus on Montessori philosophy and what Dr. Maria Montessori taught us 100 years ago.

_"There are many who hold, as I do, that the most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers." _

-Dr. Maria Montessori

If you would like more information about the philosophy we follow in our early childhood education programs, please call Casa dei Bambini Montessori of Mayfair today.

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